Monday, January 25, 2016


January is a bit of a "blah" month after all the holidays, but nonetheless... after photo dumping from my camera, it seems that even with it's ups and downs, it has indeed been a good month too.

Here is what we've been up to, in no particular order

Lainey has been really fascinated by the dogs lately.  She lays her head on them and says "ugg"  (hug)  and they grudgingly accept

She is getting so smart with how things work.  She finds the toy bottle and immediately must go find a baby to feed,  when she starts crying she wiggles down to go grab a tissue for herself, when she finishes something with a wrapper (or finds one laying around) she throws it in the garbage,  when I say "let's go get dressed" she excitedly crawls upstairs and grabs a shirt out of her drawer and sits down to let me change her, etc.  She is so fun to watch.

We were invited to celebrate Hayden's 6th birthday at Carl's Jr. and we the kids had a BLAST in the play area (as you can tell by their beet red faces)  And the 3 littles were little angels and sat happy and content in these boosters while we chatted for like 2 hours! It was the perfect party for a January day!

Nash taking it easy and letting Lainey do all the work haha
Her bang's were getting long so I curled them under a little and she instantly looked like Boo from 'Monster's Inc.' and I think she knew she was extra cute since she was practically begging for me to take her picture with these cute cheeses!

Unfortunately, later that morning, we made our first frantic trip to the Urgent Care!  I had just picked up Jade from pre-school and I was lifting her up to our kitchen sink to wash her hands, when Lainey climbs up on a chair. (Which she would do all the time so I didn't think anything of it)  So I'm washing Jade's hands and barely see with my peripheral vision the chair starting to tip over!  I couldn't get there in time!  So Lainey was standing facing the back of the chair and holding on to the top of the back rest so when she tipped, her middle finger was smashed in between the top of the chair and the floor:(  It was sooooo sad!  I felt terrible!  At first I didn't even realize it was split open.. I had been comforting her and it didn't start bleeding for probably 30 seconds!  But once it did, wow! Right above her top knuckle on the palm side of her finger was split wide open!  Panic mode!  I thought for sure she would need stitches so I'm squeezing it trying to get bandaids on her and yelling, "Jade, get your shoes on!!!!"  We get to the Urgent care and she was calm and doing fine (but insistent on messing with the bandaids).  Well thankfully, because of where the cut was located, no stitches were needed.  He was just able to clean it and glue it shut.  Lainey was a rockstar dealing with it being wrapped and re-wrapped for a week.  And she's all healed up and good as new!

A resolution of mine is that I've been trying to take the girls to the Library once a week.  They love it!  Sometimes I go with some ward friends, or sometimes by ourselves.  It's a lot of fun and Lainey's favorite part is being as close to the librarian as possible during story time...and as far away from me as possible after story time!  She just cracks up running away from me through the book aisles!  Little turd.

FHE to get ice cream

Jade is really doing awesome at dance and tumbling now.  I'm soooooo PROUD of her!  She still has tiny melt-downs now and then but is doing awesome!
I'm especially proud of these pictures below because she is actually doing exactly what the teacher is doing.  And trying her very best with her concentration face on!

"Mom you hold me, and I'll hold Lainey, and you take a picture"  Sold!

Stephanie and Cole had their adorable little Teigan a couple weeks ago!  He is the cutest thing!  He was so sweet and wide awake when I held him.  I'm so happy for them!  They are the cutest parents and they are all doing great!
Some randoms...

Lainey chowing down on some "Pock-ka" (popcorn)
Cute kids at our neighborhood playgroup...  It's been a lot of fun!  All the mom's in the group basically take turns letting all the kids come over to destroy their house while the mom's visit!
Cinderelly Cinderelly!
Mad props to my sweet Tom.  He randomly brought me home flowers and they definitely made my day!  I hate surprises because I always cry!  but of course, it's always nice to feel extra loved.
These girls have been loving bath-time lately and Jade starts asking around 2pm when it's bath time!  They just laugh and splash and it's so cute.  Needless to say, the bathroom looks like a splash pad afterwards.
Lainey winding up for a big splash...

They play well together and are cute little buddie's for the most part.  Sometimes Jade is a little too forceful in what to play and it ends in tears...but when they are doing their own thing and laughing is music to my ears!

Cuteness at Costco.  Lainey spotted the popcorn sample a mile away and starts pointing and yelling "pock-ka, pock-ka!"

So Jade has really taken her love of and desire to emulate Rapunzel to a whole notha level!  You might recall when she would use tape hanging down from her face to be Rapunzel's hair.... well now look at the creative progression!...

Also something hilarious Jade said:  I was showing her pictures of herself and Lainey as babies and asked her if she thought it would be fun if we had another baby in the family someday... and she responded " yes but can we order a brother baby this time?"  Haha yep it's that easy :-) I'll make sure to put that order in when we're ready for another.

Well you wouldn't know it from all these fun and happy pictures...but poor Jade has had lots of miserable sick days over the last several months.  She has missed several days of pre-school, church, and dance.  Severe colds, fevers, and recurring back pain.  We have been in several times mostly concerned about the fevers and back pain but we still haven't gotten any real answers.  She's been treated for sinus infection and urinary tract infection but both were unconvincing.  So we have another appointment tomorrow and hopefully we'll know more.  It's been so hard knowing what to do.  She's had constipation issues and been on Miralax since she was 2 so we keep thinking that might be causing the back pain but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  We also can't be sure if the back pain is 100% real ...I mean, she's 3!(although most of the time you can tell when she is in real discomfort) but we don't want to dismiss it either because she could really have something going on that they have missed.  It's been exhausting, frustrating, and just sad for everyone.  She's had urine tests, blood work, and even X-rays of her back in early December that have all come back normal  (the X-ray did show lots of backed up stool though).  So we're very hopeful that it's nothing or a small thing, but it's still super scary.  Having sick kids and feeling helpless after you've done all you can think of to help and comfort them is one of the hardest parts of being a parent!   Jade is a tough little gal and my heart just aches for her.

So she was miserably sick with raging fevers and more mention of her back hurting this past Thurs, Friday, and Saturday that we got through... and Sunday she was finally feeling and acting like herself so Tom took her out to play in the snow!  

Lesson learned: don't use Gobstoppers candy for a snowman's face hahaha.  Horrifying.
And that night I made homemade play-doh which is awesome and SUPER EASY  and they loved it!!

And more play-doh today with Swayzie who came over to play with us while they took Nash to a Dr. appointment

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year / Jade is a Sunbeam

New Year's Eve was a good one!  We had a little party at our house.  And Lainey playing peek-a-boo while I cleaned and prepped.

 The Fowlers, Gouldings and Bunkers were able to come ring in the New Year!  Here are the cute kiddos!  Minus Carter who was not interested haha
 We ate lots of yummy food, played some fun games.....
 got lots of selfie stick practice.....
 witnessed Steph's "about to have a baby" gel toes pedicure by the fabulous Brittany who is kind enough to do that before we have babies....

got my 10th New Year's kiss from this love of mine....

and welcomed 2016 with some amazing friends!
Our party was obviously off the hook!  Haha don't worry, Zach and Jovi woke up in time to celebrate the New Year!
Thank you for coming guys!  

On New Year's Day we had a fun family day and went swimming at the Provo Rec Center and got Culver's on the way home

Today in Sacrament meeting it was Fast and Testimony meeting and Jade kept asking "Is it my turn?"  and I said, "No, it's only for people that want to share their testimony today."  And so she kept saying, "I want to!"  I asked her if she really had something she wanted to say and she said, "I want to tell everyone I love my family."  (I didn't know what to tell her haha.  It's my pet peeve when a kid goes up to the pulpit and a parent or sibling whispers in their ear what to say...but I didn't want to say no if she felt like she really had a testimony to share...but she's only 3 and who knows what might happen up there!)  So I told her OK, if you have something nice you want to share and you really want to...and off she went and I sat nervously in my seat as she went up there so bravely and excitedly!
She said: "I love my family.  I love Jesus Christ.  I love everyone in the whole world. (pause) What do I say next mom? (Everyone laughed / I start to panic/ a member of the bishopric helps her with...) In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."  And she runs back down to us with the proudest smile!
It was pretty darn cute and we were so proud.

Today was also Jade's first day in Sunbeams!!! How do I have a child old enough to be in Primary?  She did very well and only came up to the front to talk to me a few times.  

After a crazy first Sunday of the year in Primary land, getting everyone all situated in their new classes, I snuck a little nap (although Lainey didn't agree)

 And Jade was my little sous chef in the kitchen tonight grating cheese, measuring flour, pouring milk, etc.  It definitely made the process longer but she so loves to feel like she's helping.  And she also helped me make cookies later tonight.

Being a mom is so much work but the best job in the world!
Happy New Year!