Sleepy KAM!
She always has someone to love on her!
They put all their Halloween candy in pillowcases and I walked in her room
and Jade looked like this! Digging for the one she wanted haha!
Starting to learn real smiles!
Mom! Leave me alone! haha
Decorating the grandkid tree!
Cutest girlies!
Lainey 2nd grade pic. Jade 4th grade pic. Such little beauties!
And the happiest baby and Mayc!
Tiny baby feet growing so fast!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!
Letters to Santa!
LuLaRoe team dinner!
Decorating for Christmas for our boy.
Delta friend Christmas party!

Lainey's class Christmas party!
Jade's piano recital!
Tom and I got the girls tickets to the Mat and Savanna Shaw Christmas Concert
in Salt Lake City!
It was such a great show and we loved spending time with just the
older girls! The best day date! Totally brought the Christmas spirit!
Christmas gifts from Grammy and Gampy!
Michelle's Christmas party!
Jade got her tonsils and adenoids out 5 days before Christmas.
She was scared but so strong and did great! Not the funnest Christmas
break for her, but so glad it's done.
Lainey literally ALWAYS holding Kamri haha!
Poor Jade, not feeling great, but recovering!
Grandpa came to visit Christmas Eve!
I absolutely love our Christmas Eve party. It is my
favorite tradition! So much excitement and fun!
Random...but we couldn't find candy canes anywhere!
Always random shortages since Covid!
Tom ended up finally finding some for like 2$ each! Way overpriced!
But worth it for the memories I guess!
Our Candy cane hunt victor haha!
Christmas morning magic!
The girls made me the sweetest gift!
oh yuck! Picture mid-spit up!
Christmas Sunday!
Nails and makeup!
Super fun New Year's Eve party at the Hills!